Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your letter and for your kind and generous support of our fundraising day.
The special tickets for backstage tours were the most successful event of them all. More than 200 tickets were sold, bringing more than 2000 € to our funds. That was a great success!
The make-up session for children was also pretty popular. More than 100 children had lots of fun that day! The donations for our cause made by their parents summarized over 500 €.
The pair of tickets to a show was not so successful, maybe the chosen show was not very attractive. Only about 50 people joined the lottery and with a price of 2 € per lottery ticket, and 50 € the cost of awarded tickets, we barely made a profit.
But, in all, the fundraising day was truly a success, and we are looking forward to working together in the future. Maybe we can organize the make-up day more often, the kids were excited. I think that if we organize a make-up day at every show premiere, the children will be delighted.
Thank you again for your collaboration on the project. We are grateful indeed!
Yours sincerely,
(your name)