
packs THE CLOUD SMEPIERDS Long ago, there was a competition between Good and Evil. The Good side created three beautiful angels, but the vil side made a group of strang spirits. The Good side felt sorry for the spirits, however, and gave them to help their crops grow and blew the clouds away to let the sun shine The home in the sky. They became the Planetnicy or 'Cloud Shepherds: The Cloud Shepherds were often kind to the people on Earth. They sent van even visited people's houses sometimes. They always appeared as tall, of men with wet clothes, even on a dry day. It was very important to be polit to a Cloud Shepherd when he appeared on your doorstep: they becam angry easily, and angry Cloud Shepherds were very dangerous! They coule send storms, snow and ice to destroy the crops, strong winds to damag houses, and thick Jog to make travellers lose their way. The Cloud Shepherds ate smoke instead of food, so they often started fires by throwing lightning down from the sky to Earth. Some Polish villagers buil tall towers with bells in them and rang the bells to keep the Cloud Shepherd away. Even today, you can still see these towers in parts of Poland, such a the village of Koniówka. Few people believe in Cloud Shepherds these days but the villagers there still call their bell 'The Lightning Breaker!