
Cine imi traduce in engleza textul , fara google translate.
Cei doi au hotărât sa meargă în cel mai apropiat sat si sa ceara ajutor .Pe drum s-au întâlnit cu un barbat care era îmbrăcat foarte ciudat.Purta o mantie lunga ,neagra și la gat avea o multime de ceasuri. S-au speriat foarte tare de el și au început sa fuga mâncând pământul. Bărbatul a încercat sa i liniștească si le a spus ca este un gardian al timpului si el a aranjat sa ajungă ei aici si sa se întâlnească.
"Voi sunteți fratii! Chiar dacă sunteți născuți în altii ani si in alte tărâmuri voi sunteți fratii si sunteți fii regelui de pe acest tărâm. Am încercat mulți ani sa va găsesc si sa va aduc aici. Acum mulți ani v-ati deleportat datorita unei vraji greșite..Sunteti gemeni!! O sa va ajut sa ajungeți la părinții voștri !"

Răspuns :


The two decided to go to the nearest village and ask for help. On the way they met a man who was dressed very strangely. He wore a long, black cloak and had a lot of watches around his neck. They were terrified of him and began to run away eating the earth. The man tried to reassure them and told them that he was a time guard and he arranged for them to come here and meet.

"You are brothers! Even though you were born in other years and in other realms, you are brothers and you are the sons of the king of this realm. I have tried for many years to find you and bring you here. Many years ago you were deported due to a Wrong spells..You are twins !! I will help you reach your parents! "


the two decided to go to the nearest village and ask for help. On the way they met a man who was dressed very strange. He was wearing a a long, black cloak and had a lot of clocks . They we're terrified of him and started to run away eating the earth. The man tried to calm they down and said that he's a guardian of the time and he arranged for them to come here and meet. "You two are brothers! Even if you're born in another years and in another lands, you two are brothers and you're the king's sons, of this land. I tried so much years to find you and to get you here. So much years ago you teleported due an wrong spell.. You are twins! I will help you to get to your parents!

Daca vrei, poti verifica si vedea ca nu este tradus de pe google translate. Google translateul e praf..