Experience - I have a lot of experience in this domain. - when it's about a skill you have or something you're good at
The experiences I've had affected me. - memories about specific incidents.
Fire - The building is on fire. - used for a single event
The fires have expanded throughout the forests. - used for several events of the same kinds,
Glass - Can you give me that glass of water? - when we reffer to the container we store liquid in.
Your glasses are quite dirty. - what we use to see better.
Hair - Why is your hair so sticky? - When we reffer to all of our hair.
I found 2 hairs in my food. - when we talk about a few pieces of the hair.
Light - The light coming from the sun is so powerful. - Used when talking about the sun's light.
Turn of the lights please! - For example the light bulbs in a room
Noise - What was that loud noise from your room? - The singular form, when we only heard it once.
Did you hear those noises? - The plural form, when we repeatedly heard it .
Paper - Could you give me a piece of paper? - material that we write on
Those are very important papers. - An important sheet with on information on them.
Room - You are grounded, go back to your room, now! - a section of a building.
La rooms nu stiam exact.
Nu stiu daca sunt bine dar ar trebui sa te ajute cat de cat daca mai ai nevoie