a fost răspuns

ajutor,va rog mult ​

Ajutorva Rog Mult class=

Răspuns :

You Know the Answer

He is having his Breakfast at 8 O'Clock

He Loves her

Some girls wear uniform

Tom is Beleving in you

Jenny is trying to solve

The park is closing at the sunset

He is missing his mum

The kids like sweets

He finishes work at 8 at night

Dan lives next to the beach

Alex is messing around with his Sisters

This stove is Warming the water

Mum makes the dinner every night

Salut! ♡

1. Tu ştii răspunsul.

You know the answer.

Negative: You don't know the answer.

Interrogative: Do you know the answer?

2. El ia micul dejun la ora 8.

He is having breakfast at 8am.

Negative: He isn't having breakfast at 8am.

Interrogative: Does he have breakfast at 8am?

3. El o iubeşte.

He loves it.

Negative: He doesn't love it.

Interrogative: Does he love it?

4. Unele fete poartă uniformă.

Some girls wear uniform.

Negative: Some girls don't wear uniform.

Interrogative: Do some girls wear uniform?

5. Tom are încredere în tine.

Tom trusts you.

Negative: Tom doesn't trust you

Interrogative: Does Tom trust in you?

6. Jenny încearcă să rezolve.

Jenny is trying to solve.

Negative: Jenny doesn't try to solve

Interrogative: Does Jenny try to solve?

7. Parcul se închide la apusul soarelui.

The park closes at sunset.

Negative: The park doesn't close at sunset.

Interrogative: Does the park close at sunset?

8. Lui îi este dor de mama.

He misses his mom.

Negative: He doesn't miss his mom.

Interrogative: Does he miss his mom?

9. Copiilor le plac dulciurile.

The kids likes sweets.

Negative: The kids don't like sweets.

Interrogative: Do the kids like sweets?

10. El termină lucrul la ora 8 seara.

He finishes work at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Negative: He doesn't finish work at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Interrogative: Does he finish his work at 8 o'clock in the evening?

11. Dan locuieşte lângă mare.

Dan lives near the beach.

Negative: Dan doesn't live near the beach.

Interrogative: Does Dan live near the beach?

12. Alex îşi tachinează surorile.

Alex teases his sisters.

Negative: Alex doesn't tease his sisters.

Interrogative: Does Alex tease his sisters?

13 Acest aragaz încălzeşte apa.

This stove heats water.

Negative: This stove doesn't heat water.

Interrogative: Does this stove heat water?

14. Mama pregăteşte cina în fiecare seară.

Mom prepares dinner every night.

Negative: Mom doesn't prepare dinner every night.

Interrogative: Does mom prepare dinner every night?

15. Ea mereu vine cu ghiozdanul la şcoală.

She always comes with the backpack at school.

Negative: She never comes with the backpack at school.

Interrogative: Does she always come with backpack at school?

16. Ea dansează la competiții.

She dances at competitions.

Negative: She doesn't dance at competitions.

Interrogative: Does she dance at competitions?

17. Dan joacă şah foarte bine.

Dan plays chess very well.

Negative: Dan doesn't play chess very well.

Interrogative: Does Dan play chess very well?

18. Tata se îngrijorează pentru mine.

Dad worries about me.

Negative: Dad doesn't worry about me.

Interrogative: Does my dad worry about me?

19. Aceşti hoți fură noaptea.

These thieves steal at night.

Negative: These thieves don't steal at night.

Interrogative: Do these thieves steal at night?

20. Ann planifică totul dimineața.

Ann plans everything in the morning.

Negative: Ann doesn't plan everything in the morning.

Interrogative: Does Ann plan everything in the morning?

21. Vivien este de acord cu tine.

Vivien agrees with you.

Negative: Vivien doesn't agree with you.

Interrogative: Does Vivien agree with you?

22. Câinii lor latră toată noaptea.

Their dogs bark all night.

Negative: Their dogs don't bark all night.

Interrogative: Do their dogs bark all night?

23. Vecinii lor deseori se plâng.

Their neighbors often complain.

Negative: The neighbors don't often complain.

Interrogative: Do the neighbors complain often?

24. Lui Tom îi place să conducă noaptea.

Tom likes to drive at night.

Negative: Tom doesn't like to drive at night.

Interrogative: Does Tom like to drive at night?

25. Tim arată foarte bine.

Tim look really good.

Negative: Tim doesn't look really good.

Interrogative: Does Tim look really well?

26. Ei vând legume proaspete.

They sell fresh vegetables.

Negative: They don't sell fresh vegetables.

Interrogative: Do they sell fresh vegetables?

27. Arielle îl trezeşte pe soţ

Arielle wakes up her husband.

Negative: Arielle doesn't wake up her husband.

Interrogative: Does Arielle wakes up her husband?

28. Hank culege merele în Octombrie.

Hank picks the apples in October.

Negative: Hank doesn't pick the apples in October.

Interrogative: Does Hank pick the apples in October?

29. Nelson se relaxează în weekend.

Nelson relaxes in the weekend.

Negative: Nelson doesn't relax in the weekend.

Interrogative; Does Nelson relax in tbe weekend.


Coroniță? ♡

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