In the following sentences, comment on the change of mean-ing of the words. What similarities are the association based on? 1. The sun was sinking over the hills and the gnats were fool-ing around all over the place , and I was just beginning to feel a little soothed by the peace of it all when suddenly I heard my name spoken (P.G.W.). 2. Uncle Willoughby meandered back to the library, and there was a silence that you could have dug bits out of it with a spoon (P.G W.). 3. I‘d have preferred an undertaker; but I told him to stagger in, and he floated noiselessly through the doorway like a heal-ing zephyr ( P.G W.). 4. Far away in the misty distance a soft voice spoke: “If I might explain your ladyship”. Jeeves had projected himself in from the dining-room and materialized on the rug. Lady Malvern tried to freeze him with a look, but you can’t do that sort of thing to Jeeves ( P.G.W.). 5. In the slanting beams that streamed through the open win-dow the dust danced and was golden.