
Realizați o compunere de jumătate de pagina in engleza , cu titlul “The person I love most”
Urgent ,va roggg!,

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I was reading a book when I came across the question "Who is it that you love the most?". The main character answered "Love comes in many forms" and I simply assumed that he was trying to dodge the true answer, not really understanding the meaning of the words. It took me a while to get it but I did manage to.

I was out with my friends - going to our usual spot in the park - when one of them told us that she was going to move in another county. We thought that it was a joke, yet the time flew by and the day when she left arrived. Our group felt empty with a missing person and that's when I understood what the character meant.

Love comes in many ways and I really loved my friends. I loved my family and my dog. There wasn't someone that I could place as number one; I cared a great deal for them and they were all great people.


Citeam o carte cand am dat de intrebarea "Pe cine iubesti cel mai mult?". Caracterul principal a raspuns "Iubirea vine in multe forme" iar eu pur si simplu mi-am asumat ca incerca sa evite raspunsul adevarat , neintelegand la ce s-a referit. Am aflat intelesul acelor cuvinte mai tarziu.

Eram afara cu prietenii - mergeam la locul nostru, in parc - cand unul dintre ei ne-a spuns ca se va muta in alta tara. Am crezut ca a fost o glma, dar timpul a zburat si ziua plecarii a sosit. Grupul nostru era parca gol cu o persoana lipsa, si acesta este momentul in care am inteles.

Iubirea vine in multe forme, si eu chiar tineam la prietenii mei. Imi iubeam familia si cainele. Nu era o persoana pe care sa o pot pune pe locul unu; tineam la ei si fiecare dintre acestia era o persoana buna.

Nu e chiar pe subiect, presupun, dar daca tot am inceput sa o scriu si am terminat-o am zis sa o trimit ca raspuns :) sper ca ajuta!