a fost răspuns

5. Make sentences using the following words: to give evidence, to release, trial, witness,

Răspuns :


The prosecutor gave compelling evidence in court, which led to the defendant's incarceration.

After five long years, he was finally found innocent and released from prison.

She will stand trial tommorow for her harrowing crimes.

The witness came forward and told the jury everything she saw.

After his excessively fast driving claimed the life of a young person, he was sentenced to six years in prison for manslaughter.

Termenii-cheie folositi:

  • to give evidence = să prezinți dovada sau să dai mărturie
  • to release = a elibera/a fi eliberat (din închisoare, în contextul acesta)
  • trial = proces, judecată
  • witness = martor (eye witness = martor ocular)
  • manslaughter = ucidere din culpă