Răspuns :
Fill in with the correct possessive pronouns.
Completaţi spaţiile libere cu pronumele posesive (sau cu adjectivele pronominale posesive) corecte
Rezolvarea exerciţiului
1. Many people understand their pets.
Mulţi oameni îşi înţeleg animalele.
2. Gail talks with hers all the time.
Gail vorbeşte cu ale ei tot timpul.
3. She understands their special lanquage.
Le înţelege limbajul lor specific.
4. I understand my cat very clearly.
Eu îmi înţeleg pisica foarte bine (clar).
1. Pronumele posesiv - forme
- la singural:
The cat is mine.
The cat is yours.
The cat is his.
The cat is hers.
- la plural:
The cat is ours.
The cat is yours.
The cat is theirs.
2. Adjectivul pronominal posesiv (însoţeşte un substantiv) - forme
- la singular
my cat
your cat
his cat
her cat
- la plural
our cat
your cat
their cat