
a) Arrange the words in the correct order to form questions.
Work in pairs. Ask your classmate these questions and take
notes of the answers they give.
Diet questionnaire
1. often eat you how fast food do? _______
A) never B) once / twice a month C) once a week D) almost every day
2. vegetables do many or fruits you how eat per day? ______
A) 5 B) 3–4 C)1–2 D) 0
3. you do how eat often sweets? ________
A) never B) once or twice a week C) three times a week D) every day
4. do how you meals have many per day? _______
A) 4–5 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1
5. breakfast have do every day you? ________
A) always B) nearly always C) nearly never D) never

Răspuns :

1.How often do you eat fast food?(aici poti sa alegi orice raspuns dintre : never , once/twice a month , once a week si almost every day , ca exemplu vei alege raspunsul B) daca manaci o data sau de doua ori pe luna)
2.How many fruits or vegetables do you eat per day?( aici alegi ce vrei tu de ex C)1-2 )
3.How often do you eat sweets ?(alegi tu dar ca ex :D) three times a week , ce inseamna de 3 ori pe sap)
4.How many meals do you have per day?(alegi tu de ex B)3 )
5.Do you have breakfast every day? (alegi tu , de ex B) nearly aleays ce inseamna aproape mereu)