
un text cu cuvintele : a cere insistent , a fi depent , a fi descris , o trasatira excelenta , stima de sine ,recompense speciale,a distruge. in engleza​

Răspuns :



I'm Bily's mother. Bily is addicted to video games, and urges me to buy her a video game console. In the online environment it is described as being super good, but also expensive. Its excellent feature is memory foam. Although I try to keep my self-esteem , I will give up Here I did a fair. I'll take his console if he finishes school with a grade of 10. But he thinks it's a special reward .After I took his console, he promised not to destroy it I am a happy mother!

Eu sunt mama lui Bily.Bily *e dependent *de jocurile video,si *imi cere insistent* sa îi cumpăr o consolă video.In mediul online *este descris* ca fiind super buna, dar si scumpă. *Trasatura ei excelenta* este spuma cu memorie.Desi încerc sa-mi păstrez *stima de sine*,am sa cedezIată ca am facut un targ.Eu ii iau consola daca el termina scoala cu nota 10.Dar el crede ca e o *recompensa speciala*Dupa ce i-am luat consola,el mi-a promis ca nu o va distrugeSunt o mama fericită!
