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Răspuns :


1. He works in a bank- el lucreaza intr-o banca / la o banca

She said that he works in a bank- ea a zis ca el lucreaza intr-o banca/ la o banca

2. We went out last night- am fost afara noaptea trecuta/am mers afara noaptea trecuta

she told that she went out last night- ea mi-a spus ca a iesit afara noaptea trecuta

3. i'm coming- vin

she said im coming- ea a spus că vin

4. i was waiting for the bus when he arrived- Așteptam autobuzul când a sosit el

she told that she was waiting for the bus when he arrived-ea mi-a zis ca astepta autobuzul cand a sosit el

5. i'd never been there before- n-a mai fost aici inainte

she said i'd never been there before- ea a zis ca n-a mai fost aici inainte

6. where is he?- unde este el?

she asked me where is he- ea m-a intrebat unde este el

7. what are doing- ce faci?

she asked me what are you doing- ea m-a intrebat ce fac

8. why did you go out last night- de ce ai iesit afara noaptea trecuta?

she asked me why did i go out last night- ea m-a intrebat de ce am iesit afara noaptea trecuta

9.who was that beautiful women?- cine era acea femeie frumoasa?

she asked me who was that beautiful women- ea m-a intrebat cine era acea femeie frumoasa

10. how is your mother -cum este mama ta?

she asked me how is my mother- ea m-a intrebat cum este mama mea

11. i'll see you tomorrow- o sa te vad maine

she said i'll see you tommorow- ea a zis te voi vedea maine