a fost răspuns

Ttaduceti textul in engleza:

Ieri noapte cineva a intrat in casa mea si a furat tot ce a putut. Eu nu am auzit nimic!
Mi-a părut rău deoarece aveam câteva obiecte preferate pe care le-a acizitionat pe parcursul vacantelor.
Prin urmare am pierdut ceasul din Italia,tabloul din Franțea si geanta din Anglia.
Sunt atata de suparata! Cum au putut ei sa faca așa ceva? ​

Răspuns :


house and stole everything they could. I didn't hear anything!

I was sorry because I had several favorite objects that he acted on during the holidays.

As a result, I lost my watch in Italy, my painting in France and my bag in England.

I'm so upset! How could they do such a thing? (...)


Last night someone broke into my house and stole everything they could. I didn't hear anything!

I was sorry because I had a few favorite items that I bought during the holidays.

So I lost the watch from Italy, the painting from France and the bag from England.

I'm so upset! How could they do that?

E bună traducerea?