a fost răspuns

o compunere despre paste in engleza rapid pls!!!!

Răspuns :



  • Easter holidays are always the same, we paint eggs, we eat only good food and we stay with friends / family. But this holiday was more special because when I was in the car with my family a rabbit jumped in our way. We didn't step on it because we stopped in time but something strange happened. The rabbit jumps into a bush and opens a portal that takes us by car to a world we've never met before, I'm sure you haven't heard. The land of bunnies was a magical place where bunnies lived in harmony with nature as it would be normal without testing them or all sorts of other things happening to them. We spent Easter there and we felt very good. Conclusion: the next time you are about to drive a rabbit, make sure it is not magical.

Traducere (poate ai nevoie)

  • Vacantele de paste sunt mai mereu la fel pictam oua mancam doar mancare buna si stam cu prietenii/familia. Dar aceasta vacanta a fost mai speciala deoarece pe cand eram in masina cu familia mea un iepuras ne sare in cale.Nu l-am calcat deorece ne-am oprit la timp dar ceva ciudat sa intamplat. Iepurele sare intr-o tufa si deschide un portal care ne duce cu tot cu masina intr-o lume ne mai intalnita despre sunt sigur ca nu ati auzit. Era taramul iepurasilor un loc magic unde iepurasi traiua in armonie cu natura asa cum ar fii si normal fara sa se faca teste pe ei sau sa li se intample tot felul de alte lucruri.Ne-am petrecut pastele acolo si ne-am simtit foarte bine. Concluzie: data viitoare cand esti pe cale sa dai cu masina intr-un iepuras asigurate ca nu e magic.


Asta e. Sper sa te ajute. Dumnezeu cu mila peste ce o fii pe capu tau daca se prinde profa/profu ca te-o ajutat careva:)