a fost răspuns

Creati o inventie si explicati ce face aceasta.  (In limba Engleza)

Sa nu fie mult, dar nici putin.

Răspuns :

Inainte sa il citesti vreu sa stii ca e facut 100% de mine si nu o sa il gasesti pe net nicaieri.Am avut de facut aceeai tema si am luat 10 pentru ea.Succes.Si daca ti se pare bun te rog sa il faci cel mai bun :)
a new and unusual variant of wheelchair,but it is nota usual.this seat has a electronic headset whit a chip that particular SCBL(special chip for better life).this headset has a specisl storage space with useful information.the chip is filled with personal data which people using that seat may look of medical problems.brain-waves on which his brain it issues,activates the chip that about where you want to find out and the seat you willgo out there.in addition to this,he and an alrm system that is activated when the person does not feeling well and that remind him that he must have take medical produc.i'm proud fot me invention.i hope you like my treatment.