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Scopul acestui raport este de a prezenta aspecte despre Active Leisure Club.Sunt incantata sa va prezint lucruri minunate despre acest club dar de asemenea si unele imbunatatiri care ar putea avea loc cu putina munca si dorinta.Orice lucru poate fi imbunatatit .

2.Designul si echipamentul clubului
Active Leisure Club este un club de sport minunat si frumos in care eu merg de fiecare data cu mare bucurie de cateori am ocazia .Sa incepem cu designul clubului care este impresionabil.Pereti sunt vopsiti in albastru si alb,iar echipamentele se potrivesc foarte bine cu designul .In al doilea rand ,exista o sala de fitness in care oamenii pot face exercitii inainte de a practica sportul respectiv pe care il doresc(football,handball,volei sau tennis).Exista aparate de forta ,aparate cardio(biciclete fitness,benzi de alergat),accesori pentru yoga,aerobic si pilatess(saltele fitness ,benzi elastice,mingi aerobice,greutati pentru aerobic).Pentru fiecare sport in parte exista o sala diferita de dotata cu echipamentele necesare.In plus ,clubul are multe saune si cabine de dus .
Exista cateva imbunatatiri care ar putea avea loc pentru ca clubul de sport sa devina un loc in care oamenii sa aiba parte de cele mai bune facilitati.Active Leisure Club nu are un spatiu in care oamenii pot sa manance atunci cand le este foame.Ar fi o idee buna sa se construiasca un restaurant sau un magazin unde sa se vinda alimente si bauturi sanatoase.Astfel,clienti pot sa manance cand le este foame si in acelasi timp sa se mentina sanatosi.Clubul nu are instructori personali,iar cele mai multe persoane nu stiu cum sa efectueze unele exercitii corect.Recomand ca ar trebui sa fie angajati cel putin 5 instructori personali.In acest fel,toti cei care au nevoie de ajutor vor putea primi ajutor din partea unui profesionist.
4. Concluzia
Active Leisure Club este un club foarte frumos.Sper ca recomandarile pe care le-am facut sa fie de folos pentru ca clubul sa devina un loc in care fiecare persoana sa se simta bine ,facand miscare.Sunt sigura ca Active Leisure va fi un loc indragit de toata lumea.''
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Răspuns :


2. Design and equipment of the club

Active Leisure Club is a wonderful and beautiful sports club where I go every time with great joy sometimes I have the opportunity. Let's start with the design of the club which is impressive. The walls are painted in blue and white, and the equipment fits very well with design. Secondly, there is a fitness room where people can exercise before practicing the sport they want (football, handball, volleyball or tennis). There are strength equipment, cardio equipment (fitness bikes, belts). running), accessories for yoga, aerobics and pilates (fitness mattresses, elastic bands, aerobic balls, weights for aerobics). For each sport there is a different room equipped with the necessary equipment. In addition, the club has many saunas and cabins the shower.


There are some improvements that could be made to make the sports club a place where people have the best facilities. Active Leisure Club does not have a space where people can eat when they are hungry. a good idea to build a restaurant or store to sell healthy food and drinks. This way, customers can eat when they are hungry and at the same time stay healthy. The club has no personal trainers, and most people I do not know how to perform some exercises correctly. I recommend that at least 5 personal instructors should be hired. In this way, all those who need help will be able to receive help from a professional.

4. Conclusion

Active Leisure Club is a very nice club. I hope that the recommendations I made will be useful for the club to become a place where every person feels good, moving. I am sure that Active Leisure will be a place loved by everyone. ''

Este totul ok.Spor la școală!