urgent plssss îmi trebuie acum neapărat

Yestarday was a very busy day.I usally wake up at 6 AM.I have breakfast quickly and then i got to work.I finish my job at noon and then eat some lunch.Afterwards i drive to the shops,to buy some paint and then i paint my bedroom.My housemate comes home from work so i help him paint his room , then we repair his chair as it wobbles a lot . i wish i haden't,as i hurt my hand! After that i clean my house I vaccum it all the downstairs and then tidy up the living room and the kitchen . I was pretty tired by then so i eat some dinner (yawn) i eat and go to bed!
2.To play= To be playing
To write=to be writing
To Drink=to be drinking
to be =for You to be
to do=to be doing
3.C.For actions that started, in the past and are finished in the past
4.Share have or use something at the same time as someone else
Glamping a metal container with a pipe [...]
You stay in a remote place [...] or a cabin or a wood stove
5.We have a tree house in our [...]
Do You go to the mountains every winter
He's not drinking green tea
Tim plays the piano
6..Did not+Verb-ed + Subject