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Oricand îmi amintesc de acea noapte întunecoasa si furtunoasa inca tremur.
Ma indreptam spre casa, era aproape ora 9 p.m. Veneam de la cursurile de pian si eram destul de trista pentru ca prietena mea părea ca este tot mai distanta fața de mine în ultimele zile și părea ca îmi ascunde ceva.
In timp ce mergeam pe strada, a început sa ploua. La început erau doar câteva picături, asa ca m-am grăbit sa ajung acasă. În doar câteva minute ploua tare asa ca mi-am scos umbrela. Dintr-o data s-a auzit un tunet puternic și fulgerul a luminat tot cerul, iar felinarele de pe marginea drumului s-au stins. Vântul bătea tare si mi-a luat umbrela. Din fericire, deja ajunsesem acasă.
Dar ceva părea ciudat. Era foarte liniște și părea ca nimeni nu este acasă, chiar dacă la ora aceea toată familia trebuia sa fie acolo. Am intrat in casa unde era complet întuneric deoarece curentul electric nu funcționa. Îmi era destul de frica de întuneric, asa ca m-am gândit sa aprind o lanterna. În timp ce o cautam am auzit cateva șoapte venind din bucătărie. Am vrut sa ma apropii dar apoi am auzit un zgomot puternic. Eram foarte speriata si nu înțelegeam ce se întâmplă. După câteva minute mi-am făcut curaj și am mers ușor spre bucătărie. Brusc lumina s-a aprins și eu am fost foarte surprinsa de ceea ce vedeam. În bucătărie era toată familia mea care îmi pregătise o petrece surpriza de ziua mea! Am fost foarte fericita sa ii vad pe toți acolo, chiar și pe prietena mea care ma dăduse la o parte pentru a-mi pregati un cadou de ziua mea. Le-am spus ca m-am speriat foarte rau pentru început si le-am mulțumit ca nu au uitat de ziua mea.​

Răspuns :


I was on my way home, it was almost 9 p.m. I was coming from piano lessons and I was quite sad because my girlfriend seemed to be getting further and further away from me in the last few days and she seemed to be hiding something from me.

As I was walking down the street, it started to rain. At first there were only a few drops, so I hurried home. In just a few minutes it was raining hard so I took off my umbrella. Suddenly a loud thunder was heard and lightning lit up the whole sky, and the lanterns on the side of the road went out. The wind was blowing hard and he took my umbrella. Fortunately, I had already arrived home.

But something seemed strange. It was very quiet and no one seemed to be home, even though the whole family had to be there at that time. I entered the house where it was completely dark because the electricity was not working. I was pretty scared of the dark, so I thought I'd light a flashlight. While I was looking for her, I heard some whispers coming from the kitchen. I wanted to get closer but then I heard a loud noise. I was very scared and I didn't understand what was happening. After a few minutes I mustered up the courage and walked slowly to the kitchen. Suddenly the light came on and I was very surprised by what I saw. In the kitchen was my whole family who had prepared for me a surprise birthday party! I was very happy to see everyone there, even my girlfriend who had put me aside to prepare a birthday present for me. I told them that I was very scared at the beginning and I thanked them for not forgetting my birthday.



Whenever i remember about that dark and stormy night i still tremble. I was heading home , it was almost 9 o’clock p.m. I was coming from my piano lessons and i was quite sad because my friend seemed that she was growing distant from me in the past 7 days and she seemed like shes hiding something from me. While i was walking on the road , it started to rain. At first there were only a few drops, so i hurried to get home. In just a few minutes it was pouring hard so i took my umbrella out. All of a sudden a thunder was heard and the lighting flashed all the sky and the street lamps from the roadside turned off. The wind was blowing hard and he took my umbrella. Fortunately i already arrived home. But something seemed weird. It was very quiet and it seemed that nobody was home , even if at that hour the whole family should be there. I entered the house where it was completely dark because the electric current wasn’t working. I was quite scared of the dark , so i thought to turn on a flashlight. While i was searching for it i heard a few whispers coming from the kitchen. I wanted to get closer but then i heard a loud noise. I was very scared and i didnt understand what was happening. After a few minutes i took courage and i walked slowly to the kitchen. All of a sudden the lights turned on and i was very surprised of what i was seeing. My whole family was in the kitchen which prepared me a surprise party for my birthday! I was very happy to see all of them there , even on my friend which pushed me aside so she can prepare a gift for my birthday. I told them that i got scared badly for starters and i thanked them that they didnt forgot about my birthday.