The 18th of February 2021 A Present simple Affirmative form B Present simple Spelling rules VIDEO VIDEO start Verbs ending in -0,-ch, -sh-,-X Base form Third person singular (he/she/it) You start He starts She starts at 8:30. at 8:30. at 8:30. at 8:30 at 8:30, at 8:30, at 8:30 at 830 It starts go teach finish miss fix goes teaches finishes misses fixes We start start You They start Verbs ending in consonant +-Y study studies cry cries base form of the verb (+ s/es for he/she/it) Subject + + compl . The affirmative form of the present simple is the same for all persons, except the third person singular, where we add -s/-es. We use the present simple to talk about habits and daily routines. Verbs ending in vowel +.y play plays say says 3 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I get up late on Saturdays. Our first lesson begins at 8:45. The film finishes (finish) at 8:45.