
Translate into English - Present Continuous
1. Profesorul nostru scrie pe tabla acum.
2. Sarah asculta radioul chiar acum,
3. Noi muncim in gradina in acest moment.
4. Linistel Jack doarme.
5. Priveste! Pisica mea bea lapte.
6. Noinu invatam in acest moment.
7. Priveste! Ninge afara.
8. Prietenul meu vorbeste cu un englez.
9. Ei joaca tenis astazi.
10. Conduce tata masina acum?
vă rog frumos să îmi raspundeți!

Răspuns :


1.Our teacher is writing on the table right now.

2.Sahar is listening to the radio right now.

3.We are working in the garden in this moment.

4.Quite!Jack is sleeping.

5.Look!My cat is drinking milk.

6.We aren't learning in this moment.

7.Look!Is snowing outside.

8.My friend is talking with an american.

9.They are playing tennis today.

10.Is dad driving the car now?
