1.He was with me yesterday- el a fost cu mine ieri 2. Mariah beat me at the game- maria m a batut la joc 3. My sister became arrogant once she became a teenager- sora mea a devenit aroganta odata ce a devenit adolescenta 4. The trees were bent from the wind- copacii erau indoiti de la vant 5. My mom bet $100- mama mea a pariat pe $100 6. My dog bit me- catelul meu m a muscat 7. He bled a little- el a sangerat putin 8. The referee blew the whistle- arbitrul a fluierat 9. I brought you to my house- te am adus la mine acasa 10. He built a house on his own- el a construit o casa de unul singur 11. That kid accidentally burnt his house down- acel copil si a ars casa din greseala 12. I burst into tears when i heard the news- am izbucnit in lacrimi cand am auzit stirile 13. i bought you a present- ti am cumparat in cadou