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Ex.3 va rog urgent!
Dau coroana

Ex3 Va Rog Urgent Dau Coroana class=

Răspuns :

Numerous- great in number
Advertisement- public announcement
Enthusiasm- lively interest
Manager-one who controls the business
Up-to-date -of the present time
Counter - table where goods are shown in a shop
Masterpiece- a work done with great skill
Volume- a series of issues of a periodical
Doubt- uncertainty of thought


1 numerous(numeroase)= e great in numbers(multe in numar)

2advertisment (reclama)=dpublic announcement(anunț public)

3enthusiasm(entuziasm)=h Lively interest (interes viu)

4manager= administrator b one who controls business (unul care controlează afacerea)

5 up to date (la zi) = a of the present time ( în timpul prezent

6counter= tejghea g tablet where goods are shown in a shop(masa unde bunurile sunt arătate in magazin)

7 masterpiece(capodopera)c work done weeth great skill (munca facuta cu o tactica grozava)

8doubt (indoiala) d uncertainty of thought(cu gânduri nesigure)