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The Lion and the Mouse. Once, when a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened the Lion. He placed his huge paw upon the Mouse and opened his big jaw to swallow him. "Pardon, Oh King!" cried the little Mouse. "Forgive me this time, I shall never forget it. Who knows, but I may help you some of these days." The Lion was very amused that the Mouse could help him. So, he let him go. A few days later, some hunters caught the Lion. They wanted to carry him alive to the king. They tied him to a tree and went away to look for a cart. Just then, the little Mouse happened to pass by. He went up to the Lion, and gnawed away the ropes. "Was I not right?" said the little Mouse. "Little friends may prove great friends." ​

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The Lion and the Mouse

Summary (Rezumat)

The story is about a lion that have caughted a mouse and didn't eat him becouse he was amused that the mouse told him that maybe one day he will help him .Days Latter when the lion was in trouble and was tied up by hunters ,the mouse gnawed away the ropes and saved him from being token by hunters to the King.

povestea este despre un leu care a prins un șoarece si nu l a mâncat pentru ca era amuzat ca șoarecele I a spus ca poate într-o zi il v a ajuta. peste câteva zile când leul avea probleme și era legat de vânători, șoarecele a ros funia si l a salvat de a fi dus de către vânători la rege