Sunt pe clasa a-VII-a și sunt la lecția " He said he'd been away" și am exercițiul 2 de făcut. Întrebările sunt acestea 1.Why hasn't Joe been in touch with Louise recently?
2. Has he tried to phone her?
3. Why didn''t he speak to her?
4. What does he want Louise to do?
5. Why hasn't Louise accepted Joe's invitation?
Deci cine își mai aduce aminte de întrebări să răspundă sau cine este pe clasa a-VII-a știe textul.
1.He said he'd been away with his parents.
2.He phoned before but he couldn't get throught.
3.His phone didn't work.
4.He wants Louise to meet up with him in Manchester.
5.Because she still doesn't know if she should trust him.