
Va implor,cine ma poate ajuta la aceste doua subiecte,va rooggg !!!​

Va Implorcine Ma Poate Ajuta La Aceste Doua Subiecteva Rooggg class=

Răspuns :


2. nothing

4. nobody

6. everybody

7. semeone

8. anyone

9. somewhere

10. something


3. somewhere

1. Toată lumea a mers la meci.

2. Nu era nimeni la petrecere cand am ajuns eu.

3. Îi voi spune cuiva adevărul despre viata mea.

4. Nimeni nu a vrut sa se joace cu mine.

5. Pot face ceva pentru tine?

6. Nimic nu ma poate face fericit azi.

7. Este ceva ciudat cu vocea ei.

8. Am cumpărat cate un cadou pentru fiecare.

9. Simt ca orice fac nu este bine.

10. Cineva mi-a spus cum sa ajung aici.

1. I'm sure I put my keys down somewhere.

2. Calm down! There's nothing to worry about.

3. Let's sit down somewhere and talk.

4. I heard a knock on the door, but there was nobody.

5. We didn't see anything.

6. The restaurant was really crowded. Everybody had a good time.

7. Be quiet! Someone is coming.

8. I don't think anyone knows the answer to that question.

9. She can't go anywhere without people recognising her.

10. I've got something to tell you.