a fost răspuns

traduceti in engleza !!! m-am nascut in Romania in orasul Hateg si am 14 ani.eu am 2 surori mai mici una de 12 ani si cea mica de 2 anisori.sunt o persoana deschisa am parul brunet lung si ochii caprui.am obiceiu de a vorbi uneori peste alte persoane deoarece nu ascult tot ce au de zis.eu de obicei ma imbrac cu o bluza colanti sau blugi si o jeaca sau un paltonas si numai iarna imi iau fasul.sunt o persoana voioasa serioasa si plina de viata.imi plac toate provocarile si particip la multe activitati interesante.imi place de mine si niciodata nu am sa ma schimb pentru nimeni.

Răspuns :

I was born in Romania, in Hateg and I'm 14 years old. I have two little sisters, one of them has 12 years, and the little one it's 2 years old. I'm an open person, I have brown, long hair and brown eyes. I have the habit of talking over the others because I don't listen to everything they have to say. Commonly I wear a blouse, tights or jeans and a jacket or a coat and jeans in the winter I wear hat. I'm a happy, serious and full of life person. I like every challenge and I participate at a lot of interesing activities. I like myself and I will never change who I am for anybody.