Răspuns :
-you can travell very fast from one place to another;poti calatori f repede dintr-un loc in altul
-you can cross seas or oceans; traversezi mari si oceane
-you avoid the crowded cities; eviti orase aglomerate
-high costs; costuri ridicate
-when you travell by plane over a country you can not see its beauty or its monuments; atunci cand calatoresti cu avionul deasupra unei tari nu ii vezi frumusetea sau monumentele;
- a lot of people are afraid of airplanes and feel sick and dizzy; multi oamneni se tem de avione si se simt ametiti si le e greata
-you can travell very fast from one place to another;poti calatori f repede dintr-un loc in altul
-you can cross seas or oceans; traversezi mari si oceane
-you avoid the crowded cities; eviti orase aglomerate
-high costs; costuri ridicate
-when you travell by plane over a country you can not see its beauty or its monuments; atunci cand calatoresti cu avionul deasupra unei tari nu ii vezi frumusetea sau monumentele;
- a lot of people are afraid of airplanes and feel sick and dizzy; multi oamneni se tem de avione si se simt ametiti si le e greata