a fost răspuns

Repede va rooooog......
Dau coroana​

Repede Va RooooogDau Coroana class=

Răspuns :



a)I think the person on the left is more tired and stressed because she probably has to do all the work around the house going by the fact she has a baby in her arms while also holding laundry, she may even be on the phone with her husband.

b) (aici e bazat pe viata ta personala dar o sa-ti pun eu ceva random) Honestly, I feel like getting up in the morning would be the most tiring part of my day because everything just feels so peaceful when you're in bed and then you have to wake up and aknowledge that you're going to face all your responsabilities that you have for the day.

c)In the first picture we can see two people talking. Going off of their expressions and their hand gestures we can tell that they're speaking about a serious subject. My guess is that one of them has to make a serious decision such as moving and the other is giving his advice. In the second picture we can see an elderly couple talking on the telephone with someone. My guess is that they're phoning their grandchildren about a visit.

d) (si asta e bazat pe viata ta personala dar o sa-ti pun eu ceva random) The person I feel most comfortable discussing a problem with is my best friend because I feel that he/she really understands my point of view and can give me the best advice.