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Va rooogg!!!
Cine ma poate ajuta cu un eseu in limba engleza cu acest titlu?
”Succesul în viață vine din asumarea riscurilor sau a șanselor.”
15-20 randuri

Răspuns :

salut! te voi ajuta!

*nu sunt eu vreo experta în engleza deci, sa speram ca fac corect*

- Succes in life comes from assuming risks and chances-

"succes in life comes from assuming risks and chances". What exactly does this mean? in life, there are a lot of "up and downs". sometimes you're positive, and sometimes you're not.

many things can start the process of negative thinking. let's give an example:"you can't do it" or "you'll never achieve that".

when a person says that, your mood and mindset instantly drops to 0. you start to decourage yourself, and to think that you'll never be as successful as others. Well, that's not the right thing to do. as you know, success in life comes from assuming risks and loosing chances. the "secret hidden key" to having a successful life is just to not listen to others and society. society is mostly toxic and just not polite. many people just want to stop you from achieving your dreams. sometimes you have to stand up in front of those people. you shouldn't be influenced by society and disgraceful people. sometimes you have to assume risks, that will somehow pay of at the end. and of course, sometimes, chances can be lost,forever, but that doesn't mean that they can't be gained back!

-in the resume, sometimes you have to assume risks, they will always pay of in the end, and you don't have to be influenced by other people around you. just be yourself and stay the way you are-

sper ca te-am ajutat!

după cum am spus, nu sunt eu vreo experta in engleza, dar, infine!

multe gânduri pozitive in continuare, succes in școală si spor la teme!

(as aprecia mulțumiri, steluțe sau chiar o coroana!)