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That winter afternoon was bright but very
cold. I discovered that Mrs Fairfax had
written a letter which was waiting to be past
so I offered to take it to Hay, a two-mile wall
from Thornhield put on my bonnet and del
and set off for a pleasant afternoon walk
At first I walked quickly to get warm and the
I slowed my pace. Though I found the path
difficult and my walk was lonely, I took te
appeared to be well built. He had a dark face,
pleasure in it. After a while, the path inclined,
Esat down on a stone wall to catch my breath
From my seat I could see Thornfield below me
slaved there admiring the view until the sun
Suddenly, a noise from the road broke the
silence - a noise so cerie that it reminded
the nursery stories I used to hear when I was
young. The noise was nearby but not yet in Sighi
so I sat back down on the wall and nervously
waited for the cause of the disturbance to appear.
A few seconds later, a big black and white dog
with a huge head emerged from behind a tree,
followed by a tall horse with a rider on its back
The threesome passed me and I, relieved to
discover that the source of my anxiety had been
I hadn t gone but a few paces when a loud
thud caught my attention. I turned and saw the
rider and the horse had slipped on a thin sheet of
down to the rider, who was trying to free himself
by Charlotte Brone
hart, had suffered an injury of some sort for be
arefully made his way to the stone wall and
dawn. "You are hurt and want help, sit la
fetch someone either from Thornfield Han
Thank you, I shall do. I have me brokers
bunes only a sprain," he answered, as he stood
and tried to put his weight on his foot, which
resulted in a painful moan. It was not yet dark,
and in what was left of the daylight I could see
him elearly. He was of medium height and
although he was wrapped in a riding cloak he
a position
and his angry eyes and heavy brow gave him a
stern appearance. He was not young, and not
42 o What types of stories do you like to read:
middle-aged, either - I guessed him to be close to
mystery? romance? adventure? Why?
began to ser behind the trees, then I
I stood there but he gestured for me to leave.
with my journey
I cannot think of leaving you, sir, at so late an
Eyre is.
hour in this solitary lane, till I see you are litto
mount your horse," I said,
Read the biography of Charlotte Brontë, and
He looked at me for the first time - he had
the short description of her novel, Jane Eyre. In
hardly glanced in my direction until then - and
said, "I think you ought to be at home yourself
is Jane Eyre's life similar to Brontë's?
If you have a home in this neighbourhood.
Where do you come from?"
3 look at this picture of a scene from Jane Eyre,
I answered him, "From just below, and I am
and describe the characters shown. What hos
not afraid of being out late when it is moonlight
just happened? What time of the year is it?
I will run over to Hay for you with pleasure, if
What else can you see in the picture? Read the
you wish. Indeed, I am going there to post a
extract and find phrases/sentences which
of this world, resumed my walk to Hay.
describe what is shown in the picture.
He stared at me and said, "You live just below
- do you mean at that house with the
battlements?" pointing at Thornfield.
ice and were both lying on the ground. I rushed
I replied, "Yes, sir."
"Whose house is it?" he asked.
of his horse, and asked him, "Are you injured,
"Mr. Rochester's," said I.
"Do you know Mr. Rochester?" asked the
sir77 He was too preoccupled with his efforts to
reply. "Can I do anything?" I asked again
"No, I have never seen him," I responded,
one side," he
"You must just stand on
He looked at my clothes and commented,
answered as he finally stood and set about trying
"You are not a servant at the hall, of course. You
to raise his horse. All the while, the great dog
are -
was running back and forth, barking and braying
My clothing, as usual, was simple - a black
until he was silenced with a "Down, Pilot!" from
cloak and black bonnet. "I am the governess."
"Ah, the governess!"" he repeated. "Deuce take
I muld see that the man, though not seriously
me, if I had not forgotten! The governess."​