a fost răspuns

Complete the definitions,choosing the best answer.
1. To make someone feel afraid means to........
a)make him\her angry b)frighten him\her c)quarrel with him\her
2. Someone you don't know is a.......
a)stranger b)neighbour c)enemy
3. When you are busy doing something,you are....... .
a)tired b)reay to do it c)engaged in oing it
4. To become something different means to....... something else.
a)turn into b)go away c)finish
5. If you have a lot of expensive things and much money you have.......
a)gold b)riches c)happiness

Răspuns :


Complete the definitions, choosing the best answer

Completați definițiile, alegând cel mai bun răspuns



1. To make someone feel afraid means to ........

  • a) make him\her angry
  • b) frighten him\her
  • c) quarrel with him\her

To make someone feel afraid means to frighten him/her.

A face pe cineva să îi fie frică înseamnă a-l / a o înfricoșa.

2. Someone you don't know is a .......

  • a) stranger
  • b) neighbour
  • c) enemy

Someone you don't know is a stranger.

Cineva pe care nu îl cunoști este un străin.

3. When you are busy doing something, you are .......

  • a) tired
  • b) reay to do it
  • c) engaged in doing it

When you are busy doing something, you are engaged in doing it.

Când ești ocupat cu ceva, ești angajat în activitatea respectivă.

4. To become something different means to ....... something else.

  • a) turn into
  • b) go away
  • c) finish

To become something different means to turn into something else.

Ca să devii altceva (diferit) înseamnă să te transformi în altceva.

5. If you have a lot of expensive things and much money you have .......

  • a) gold
  • b) riches
  • c) happiness

If you have a lot of expensive things and much money you have riches.

Dacă ai o mulțime de lucruri scumpe și mulți bani, ai bogății.