a fost răspuns

Treceti urmatoarele enunturi la vorbirea directa. (sunt la vorbirea indirecta)
P.S Scuze daca mai am greseli..:)

1.Te shop assistent asked me if I prefered to wait for the alteration or if they should send it to me.
2.My neighbour told me that somebody had been at the door.
3.The ticket collector told us that we had the rang ticket at couldn't take that bus.
4.He asked me when mrs.Callie would arrived and if he should pick her up.
5.The trainer told the boys to be at the stadium at 8 o'clock.
6.I asked the waitress if they would accept cheques.(bacsis,cred ca asa se zice.)
7.Grandpa wanted to know when dinner is ready.
8.I told him that I had never been abroad(in strainatate) before,but I would like to go to England.
9.The newspaper said that the can cut had been the most interesting part all the programme.
10.The landlord(proprietar) said that I could mane in right away.
Va multumesc...stiu sunt cam multe...dar va rog sa ma ajutati..:)

Răspuns :

1)The shop assistant said to me:"Would you prefer to wait for the alteration or should we send it to you?"
  2)My neighbor said to me:"Somebody had been at your door."
 3) The ticket collector said to us:"You have the wrong ticket,you can't take this bus".
 4) He asked me:"When will Mrs.Callie arrive? Should I pick her up?"
 5) The trainer told the boys:" Be at the stadium at 8 o'clock!"
 6) I asked the waitress:"Would you accept checks?"
 7) Grandpa asked:"When  will dinner be  ready?"
 8) I told him:"I have never been abroad before,but I would like to go to England."
  9) ....propozitia asta s-o scrii inca odata ca nu prea are sens...
 10) The landlord said to me:" You can mane in right away."