My Child's a Genlus! Child prodigies are the circus animals of our age, a source of 9)....... to us all, whether they are worthy of admiration or pity is debatable. It is more than two decades since the 10).......... Ruth Lawrence, at the age of thirteen, obtained a First in mathematics at Oxford University, becoming a national 11).......... More recently, six-year-old Justin Chapman enrolled at the University of Rochester, New York, to study ancient world history. Their intellectual 12)........ ...... are obviously impressive, but surely such children are too immature to cope with university? Some 13)........ ... point out that while it is entirely understandable that parents of exceptionally gifted children should 14)......... them to succeed, it is important that they are not put under 15)....... pressure, and also that their emotional and social development as children is not neglected 15 EXCEED 9 FASCINATE 10 REMARK 11 CURIOUS 12 ACHIEVE 13 PSYCHOLOGY 14 COURAGE