Răspuns :
Choose the past simple or the present perfect
Alegeți Past Simple sau Present Perfect
1. Last night I lost my keys – I had to call my flatmate to let me in.
- Past Simple
2. I have lost my keys – can you help me look for them?
- Present Perfect
3. I have visited Paris three times.
- Present Perfect
4. Last year I visited Paris.
- Past Simple
5. I knew my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was eight.
- Past Simple
6. I have known Julie for three years – we still meet once a month.
- Present Perfect
7. I have played hockey since I was a child – I’m pretty good!
- Present Perfect
8. She played hockey at school, but she didn't like it.
- Past Simple
9. Sorry, I have missed the bus, so I’m going to be late.
- Present Perfect
10. I missed the bus, and then I missed the aeroplane as well!
- Past Simple
11. Last month I went to Scotland.
- Past Simple
12. I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He has gone to the shops.
- Present Perfect
13. We finished this room last week.
- Past Simple
14. I have finished my exams finally – I’m so happy!
- Present Perfect
15. Yesterday, I saw all my friends. It was great.
- Past Simple
16. I have seen Julie three times this week!
- Present Perfect
17. She has lived in London since 1994.
- Present Perfect
18. She lived in London when she was a child.
- Past Simple
19. I have drunk three cups of coffee this morning.
- Present Perfect
20. I drank seven cups of coffee yesterday.
- Past Simple
1. Timpul Past Tense Simple (trecutul simplu) este frecvent folosit în asociere cu indici de timp care se referă la o acţiune trecută şi încheiată complet, cum ar fi: yesterday (ieri), a few days/weeks/months/years ago (în urmă cu câteva zile/săptămâni/luni/ani), last week/month/year (săptămâna trecută/luna trecută/anul trecut), in 2017 (în anul 2017) etc.
2. Timpul Present Perfect Simple (prezent perfect simplu) indică o acţiune începută în trecut şi neîncheiată în prezent. Indicii de timp frecvent utilizaţi pentru acest timp verbal sunt: just (tocmai), already (deja), never (niciodată), ever (vreodată), before (înainte), yet (încă), since (since then - de atunci) şi for (for a long time - de mult timp).