The OompaLoompa SONG "All right!" you'll cry. "All right!" you'll say, "But if we take the set away, What shall 0) we do to entertain Our darling children? Please explain!" We'll answer 1) ................ by asking you, “What used the darling ones to 2) ................? How used they keep themselves contented, 3) ............ this monster was invented?” Have you forgotten? Don't you 4)............? We'll say it very loud and slow. THEY USED TO READ! They'd READ and READ, And READ and READ, and then proceed TO READ and READ and READ some more. Books cluttered up the nursery floor! And in the bedroom, by the bed, More books were waiting to be read! Oh, books, what books they used to know, Those children living long 5) ...............! So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install A lovely bookshelf on the wall! C our 0 A) we 1 A the 2 A have 3 A After 4 A know 5 A before Bus B these B do B Before B knew B until C this C be C While C knows C ago va rog trebuie sa completez spatile libere cu cuvintele acestea , va rooog , ajutor , dau coroana