Răspuns :
1. What does Amanda do between 8.50 and 9.00?
Amanda does her registration between 8.50 and 9.00.
2. How long is a class?
A class is 55 minutes long.
3. How long are the breaks?
The breaks are 10 minutes long.
4. When does lunch time begin?
Lunch time begins at 12:15.
5. How long is lunch time?
Lunch time is 1 hour and 5 minutes long.
6. How many classes does Amanda have in the morning?
Amanda has three classes in the morning.
7. How many classes does she have in the afternoon?
Amanda has two classes in the afternoon.
8. When does Amanda go home after classes?
After classes, she goes home at 3:10 p.m.
9. Does Amanda go to school on Saturday??
No, Amanda does not go to school on Saturday and on Sunday.
Exercițiul a fost efectuat pe baza orarului Amandei din Manualul de limba engleză pentru clasa a V-a, English for You, Editura Prut Internațional, 2015, Chișinău, Moldova (pag. 29)