a fost răspuns

As dorii si eu 10 propozitii cu have been

Răspuns :

1 ,I haven't (have not) been to Spain. - Nu am fost in Spania.
2.She has not (hasn't) played football. - Ea nu a jucat fotbal.
3,They have been to Mexico but they have not been to Japan. - Ei au fost in Mexic, dar ei nu au fost si in Japonia. (in consecinta, au cunostinte despre Mexic dar nu stiu prea multe despre Japonia)
4.It has been raining for two days (and it's still raining). - Ploua de doua zile (si inca mai ploua)
5.I have been reading since this morning. - Citesc de azi dimineata. (si inca mai citesc).
acesta este un verb care contine cuvantul ,,have been,,
I have been walking - Eu ma plimb
you have been walking - Tu te plimbi
He has been walking - El se plimba
she has been walking - Ea se plimba
it has been walking - Se plimba
we have been walking - Noi ne plimbam
you have been walking - Voi va plimbati
they have been walking - Ei se plimba

have you got?
have been antonio?