1. I didn't drink any bear last night = N-am baut bere aseara.
2. She gets on the bus in the center of the city. = Ea merge cu autobuzul in centrul orasului.
3. What time did he get up yesterday? = La ce ora s-a trezit el aseara?
4. Where do you get off the train? = Tu unde cobori din tren?
5. I didn't change trains at Victoria. = Nu am schimbat trenul la Victoria.
6. We woke up very late. = Noi ne-am trezit foarte tarziu.
7. What did he give his mother for Christmas? = Ce i-a dat mamei lui de craciun?
8. I recieved £300 when my uncle died. = Am primit 300 de lire cand mi-a murit unchiul.
9. We didn't use the computer last night. = Noi n-am folosit calculatorul aseara.
10. Does she make good coffee? = Ea face cafea buna?