a fost răspuns


Răspuns :

Păi na, depinde de ce vrei tu. Mă rog, eu zic acum numai niste lucruri aleatorii.

My first wish for Christmas is to get a dog. I don’t care what breed as long as it is a healthy, playful and a happy dog.
I want to be able to play with it during weekends, or my free time. I want to train it, so it will become an obedient dog.
Anyways, moving onto my new second wish.
My second wish is to get veeeeeeery much chocolate. I love it so much! It’s my favourite sweet. I know it is not healthy but one time doing this won’t do anything bad..
My third wish is about my parents. I want them to be healthy and live much longer. Same goes with my grandparents and other family members.

Cam asta e tot.