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Find synonyms in the text for the following words:
1. stare 2. purposelessly 3. deteriorated 4. grandeur 5. notorious 6. allowance 7. estimated 8. simply 9. seem 10. space
Find antonyms in the text for the following words:
1. inattention 2. insignificant 3. least 4. past 5. ruin 6. take 7. smallest 8. richest 9. brand new 10. ignore

Recently, I was travelling by maxitaxi in Moldo va’s capital city of Chisinau. As a Moldovan, I rely heavily on our public transportation system; it takes me wherever I want to go in our small country. I gazed at the driver. He was smoking, even though this is illegal. He was also talking on his cell phone. I grew resentful, then angry. How could he be so unconcerned about his responsibilities? What if we crashed because he was not paying attention to his duties? My fears vanished, however, as I got off the maxitaxi and faced my own responsibilities – I was heading to school. And school, well, our education system, is very much on my mind. The education system in Moldova has its problems, but our parents, our teachers, and our government are willing to sac rifice to improve it; why aren’t we?
Frankly, my school is a mess. Like most schools in Moldova, it was built in the glory days of the So viet Union, somewhere between 1950 and 1960. By now, it is a little run down. Unfortunately, most of the country’s schools are in similar condition. In some places, our parents have tried to address the situation. They invested a great deal of money in order to ensure proper conditions for studying. In fact, there are schools that have been fully rebuilt from parents’ foundation money. So, it is easy to see how important education is for our parents. But, what about us? Do we, the students, care?
Those of our teachers who were born and raised in the Soviet Union with all of its philosophical and political differences, have shown a willingness to change their behaviour and methods to provide us with a modern education. There is a generation gap that also causes issues between teachers and stu dents, but if they are working to change, to improve our minds, shouldn’t we try as well? There are also teachers from abroad (some from the United States Peace Corps) who are dedicating their time and efforts to the tough job of modeling strong, responsible world citizens of the 21st century. Isn’t it our responsibility to take the time to learn from them?
It is apparent that our government is concerned about our education as well. We have a class in which the rights and responsibilities of a student and a citi zen are taught. The purpose of this class is to “raise a conscientious generation,” as stated by the Ministry of Education. The national budget for Moldova is small, it is listed as the poorest country in Europe. That said, every year the government spends 6,300 lei (equal to about $500 USD) per student. In the Republic of Moldova there are nearly 412,000 students, and we spend 20% of our national budget on education – the largest percentage in Europe, as well as one of the larg est in the world. Do we, the students, care? For many pupils these are merely numbers, and don’t appear to matter.
Students have the ultimate responsibility for their own education, regardless of how much effort our par ents and teachers give, how many classes are taught, or how much money is thrown into the mix. Isn’t it our duty to meet the expectations of those who invest so much in our education? Meeting expectations doesn’t have to mean blindly following another person’s lead, but it does mean being responsible to our parents, our teachers, our country and, finally, ourselves.
So the question is, when do we, as students, own up to our responsibilities? When do we decide whether to drive the maxitaxi of our education with a clear view of the future, rather than driving with a proverbial ciga rette in one hand, and talking on a cell phone with the other?