a fost răspuns

III. Translate the following sentences into Romanian:
While it is a fact that most young people these days are well behaved, it is also true that a minority
behave very badly. Over the past few years, it seems that incidents of vandalism and delinquency
have mushroomed. There are examples of this everywhere - at football matches, in parks and on
street corners. Our newspapers are full of reports about juveniles beyond parental control, who have
plunged into the seamy world of drugs or crime. So what are the causes?​

Răspuns :


In timp ce este adevarat ca cei mai multi tineri din zilele noastre sunt manierati, este adevarat si faptul ca este o minoritate care se comporta foarte urat. De-alungul ultimilor ani, incidentele de vandalism si delicventa au crescut. Sunt exemple peste tot - la meciurile de fotbal, in parcuri si la colturile de strazi. Ziarele noastre sunt pline de stiri despre tineri care au scapat de sub controlul parintilor, care au intrat in lumea sordida a crimelor si drogurilor. Deci, care sunt cauzele?