a fost răspuns

O inventie care a modernizat lumea:
- Cine a facut-o?
- De ce a facut-o?
Si de ce am ales aceasta inventie in engleza va roggggggggg
am nevoie de ea maine si nu m-am gandit la nimic, va rog sa ma ajutati :((((

Răspuns :


- Alexander Graham Bell

- Alexander Graham Bell created the first ever cellphone,he probably did that to make people happier by letting them communicate with a relative or a friend that lives far away.

- I chose this creation because in my opinion it helps people a lot by letting them to communicate with their parents,grandparents and friends,they also help for navigation and not only,you can take photos with it,you can call for help if somebody is in need.In my opinion,the phone has changed the world a lot but it can be very helpful too even though in present,people use the phone for something that isn't legal,but let's be serious,with a phone you can save somebody's life.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!Inainte sa transcrii totul pe caiet,da copy la tot si du-te pe translate sa vezi daca nu am facut vreo greseala!Succes!