a fost răspuns

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1. Although nobody needs a passport to cross the border
from England to Wales, everybody soon realises that it is a different
country because of its own distinct geography, culture, traditions and,
of course language. Caernarfon is the ancient capital of Wales.
It has an impressive castle where Prince Charles was crowned
as Prince of Wales.The town lies next to Snowdonia, which is
a national park with rocky mountains, lakes,waterfalls, and grassy hillsides.
It covers 840 square miles (2,176 sq. km.). The highest peak in
this area, Snowdon, is 3,560 feet (1,085 m.). But anybody can go up it by train!
2. When you say Scotland, you think of: kilts, whisky, military tattoo and, of
course, Loch Ness. The kilt is the national costume for men. It is a woollen
skirt. The Scots national drink is whisky (or scotch). It is very strong!
The military tattoo, which takes place in Edinburgh very August and Septembre,
is a military show where 600 soldiers perform under floodlight for 90 minutes,
five or six nights a week. Loch Ness is the lake of mysteries. It is a famous
place where everybody hopes to see Nessie, the Loch Ness Moster.
3. Ireland is the land of storier. It is said that story-telling has always
been a part of Irish custom. The legend of the Giant' s Causeway-
-considered as the eighth wonder of the word- proves it.
This Causeway is a mass of stone columns standing very near togeth.
Anybody can walk on them. The ancient Irish believed it was the work of
a giant called Finn McCool. People say that one day he fell in love with
a lady giant who lived on a Scottish island. To bring her across to Ulster
(The Northern counties in Ireland), he began to build this causeway.
4. London is the capital of England and of the UK. It is also the city
Queen Elizabeth Il lives in. She has a lot of work reading
State papers, singnigg all kinds of documents, receiving different
ambassadors and important visitors from abroad. She sees the
Prime Minister each week to discuss affairs of State. She tours
Britain opening new buildings, visiting hospitals, shaking hands
with officials and the public. In her free time she rides in Windsor
Park as she enjoys horse-riding.

Răspuns :

1.      Cu toate ca nimeni nu are nevoie de pasaport sa treaca granita din Anglia spre Tara Galilor, oricine isi da curand seama ca e o tara diferita din cauza pozitiei geografiece, a culturii, traditiilor si bine-nteles, a limbii. Caernarfon este vechea capitala a Tarii Galilor. Are un castel impresionant unde Printul Charles a fost incoronat Print de Galia. Orasul se intinde langa Snowdonia, care este un parc national cu munti stancosi, lacuri, cascade, si dealuri acoperite de iarba. Se intinde pe o suprafata de 840 mile patrate (2176 kmp). Cel mai inalt varf din zona, Snowdon, are 3560 picioare (1085 m). Dar toata lumea il poate urca cu trenul!
2.      Cand spui Scotia, te gandesti la kilturi, whisky, parade militare si, bine-neteles, Loch Ness. Kiltul e costumul national pentru barbati. E o fusta din lana. Bautura nationala scotiana este whisky-ul (sau scotch-ul). E foarte tare! Paradele militare, care au loc la Edinburg in fiecare august si septembrie, sunt reprezentatii militare unde 600 de soldati evolueaza in lumina reflectoarelor timp de 90 de minute de 5 sau 6 ori pe saptamana. Loch Ness e un lac misterios. E un loc celebru unde toata lumea spera sa-l vada pe Nessie, monstrul din Loch Ness.
Irlanda este tara povestilor. Se spune ca povestitul a facut mereu parte din obiceiurile irlandeze. Legenda drumului de pe dig facut de urias din stanci (numit Causeway) – considerate cea de-a opta minune a lumii – o dovedeste. Causeway este un drum pe grup de stanci puse foarte aproape unele de altele. Orice poate sa se mearga pe ele. Vechii Irlandezi credeau ca erau opera unui urias pe nume Finn McCool. Oamenii zic ca intr-o zi el s-a indragostit de o uriasa care locuia pe o insula din Scotia. Ca sa o duca la Ulster (partea nordica a Irlandei) el a inceput sa ii construiasca un dig cu un drum pe el.
4.      Londra e capital Angliei, is a Regatului Unit. E, de asemea, orasului in care locuieste regina Elisabeta a II-a. Ea are foarte multa treaba citind documente de stat, semnand tot felul de documente, primind ambasadori si vizitatori foarte importanti din strainatate. Ea se intalneste in fiecare saptamana cu Primul Ministru pentru a discuta probleme de stat. Se deplaseaza prin tara pentru a inaugural cladiri noi, pentru a vizita spitale, dand mana cu official si cu publicul. In timpul liber calareste prin parcul Windsor, deoarece e o activitate care ii face placere.