a fost răspuns

3. Use The Present Perfect or The Past Tense:
a) Eu nu mai joc fotbal de când mi-am rupt mâna.
b) Ella juca volei când era elevă.
c) Nu i-am mai văzut de ani de zile! Unde au fost?
d) „Tocmai am auzit că Daniel este în Finlanda.” „Nu ştiai că el a
părăsit ţara la sfârşitul lui octombrie? Tocmai am auzit că are un serviciu
e) Sora mea nu a început să lucreze încă. Ea este încă elevă.
f) „Ai mâncat vreodată carne de şarpe?” „Nu. N-am mâncat
niciodată nici carne de vită.”
g) Când ea a intrat în cameră, fratele ei, Tom, se uita la televizor.
Nu l-a văzut şi s-a dus să stingă televizorul. Când a ajuns lângă televizor
şi l-a închis, Tom a salutat-o. Ea s-a întors şi i-a spus: „Scuză-mă pentru
că am închis televizorul! Nu te-am văzut.” URGENT VA ROGGGG!!!!!!!!!

Răspuns :

a) i haven't played football since i broke my hand.

b) Ella played volleyball when she was a student.

c) I haven't seen them in years! Where have they been? d) "I just heard that Daniel is in Finland." "It simply came to our notice then left the country at the end of October? I just heard he has a job that's great."

e) My sister hasn't started working yet. She is still a student.

f) "Have you ever eaten snake meat?" "Not. I didn't eat never beef. ”

g) When she entered the room, her brother, Tom, was watching TV.

She didn't see him and went to turn off the TV. When he got to the TV and closed it, Tom greeted her. She turned and said:

"Excuse me for that I turned off the TV! I did not see you."

A. I haven't played football since I broke my hand.

B. Ella played volleyball when she was a student.

C. I haven't seen them in many years. Where have they been?

D. I recently heard that Daniel is in Finland. Didn't you know he left the country at the end of October? I just heard he has a great job

E. My sister hasn't started working yet. She is still a student

F. Did you ever eat snake meat ? No, I didn't eat never beef

G. When she entered the room, her brother, Tom, was watch at TV. When she got to the TV

and closed it, Tom greeted her. She turned and said, "Excuse me for

that I turned off the TV! I did not see you."