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There existed a land where it was always too dark at night because there was no moon. Four people that lived in that place decided to go to another place where the light at night was sufficient because of a shining globe placed in a tree at night. The four travelers asked someone what was that light. The man said that that was the moon and that their mayor bought it and that it works with oil. When the man left the four travelers, mesmerized by the moon's beauty, decided to stole it. One of them said that he will climb up the tree to take it and they should put it in a cart and run. After that was done, they covered the moon with a cloth and left. When they arrived in their country thei hang it in a three. All the citizens of that country had come to see what was with the strange light. They took care of the moon and where paid by the citizens but after a while they grew old. When one of them was close to dieing he said that he wants his part from the moon buried with him. So dod the rest of the men and when all of them died the kingdom was again darkened. But the parts of the moon reunited in the under world waking the dead with their light.Happy, the dead celebrated and the noise thei made reached to heaven. Saint Peter tought it was a revolt leaded by Evil so he went to see. Seeing what had caused such noise Saint Peter made the dead lie in their graves againt and took the moon hanging it in Heaven.