Pedala2 Pedala2 19-03-2015 Engleza a fost răspuns Alegeti cuvintele potrivite unde sunt spatii goale: Can you move ______ books into the other room ? Variantele-Them,Those Please pass me ___ cards Variantele-Those, That I have to take ___ DVDs back to the store Variantele-These , That ____ airoport is 50 miles away from here. Variantele-That,This May i borrow some of ___ boxes Variantele - These , that Look at ____ plane flying high above us. Variantele-This,That ____ is myy favourite type of Ice-Cream Variantele-These,This I don't know any of ___ people Variantele-Them,Those ____ mice are so cute! Variantele : That , These I don't know where the files are . I haven't seen _____\ Variantele-Them,Those