Răspuns :
It was a sunny Sutarday after noon. I was bored and I've just finished my homework so I decided to go out with some friends. We went outside and started walking around our town. We were having lots of fun and before we knew sun was already setting. It was a beautiful landscape. The clouds on the sky had, as the sun, a intense orange with yellow. We went home after having a great time.
In Romana:
Mereu, in week-end, sunt impreuna cu parintii la bunici. Acestia sunt batrani si au nevoie de ajutor. Noi mereu ii ajutam cu mancare, lemne pentru foc, uneori si cu bani. Suntem atat de bucurosi. Drumul pana la bunici dureaza cam doua ore, timp in care eu cu fratele meu urmarim drumul prin padure, apoi prin zonele de deal. Bunicii ne asteapta cu placinte cu branza si ciorba de gaina.
In engleza:
Always, on weekends, I am with my grandparents' parents. They are old and need help. We always help them with food, firewood, sometimes with money. We are so happy. The road to grandparents takes about two hours, during which time my brother and I follow the road through the forest, then through the hilly areas. Grandparents are waiting for us with cheese pies and chicken soup.