a fost răspuns

cum le traduc in engleza ?

Michel  este un bucatar .

Mama  coace prajituri in cuptor.

Eu ma joc mult afara.

Matusa mea este tanara .

Bunica este in varsta.

Au mi-am taiat o felie de tort.

Mie nu-mi place branza.

Doar maine avem de invatat ?

Astazi mergem in parc apoi acasa

Doar de 3 ori am sarit coarda

Răspuns :

Michel is a chef's .My mother bake cakes in the oven.I play much out.my aunt is young .his grandmother is older.have I cut a slice of the cake pan.I don't like it cheese.Only tomorrow we have learned ?today we go to the park and then at home.Only 3 times I jumped rope.