1. nice, nicer, the nicest;
2. short, shorter, the shortest;
3. young, younger, the youngest;
4. new, newer, the newest;
5. old, older, the oldest;
6. careful, more careful, the most careful;
7. modern, more modern, the most modern;
8. popular, more popular, the most popular;
9. dangerous, more dangerous, the most dangerous;
10. expensive, more expensive, the most expensive;
11. little, littler, the littlest (dacă se referă la dimensiune)
little, less, the least (dacă se referă la cantitate);
12. bad, worse, the worst;
13. good, better, the best;
14. much, more, the most
many, more, the most.
Green eyes, în colaborare cu AlexiaCristian305 (cel/cea care a scris întrebarea) :-))).