Răspuns :
Luna septembrie, săptămâna 1( luni)
Monday I read a book, i did my homeworks and i sleept
Luna septembrie, săptămâna 2 ( marți)
Tuesday I made a cake, I went to market and I sang
Luna septembrie, săptămâna 3 ( miercuri)
Wednesday,I played computer games, I drew and I did a very beatiful project to history
Luna septembrie, săptămâna 4 ( joi)
thursday I cried beacuse I got a bad grade, I cookied pancakes and I talked with my best friend
Luna octombrie, săptămâna 1 ( vineri )
Friday I did a Power Point for school, I was glad because I received a gift and I read a new book
luna octombrie, săptămâna 2( sambata)
saturday I was to shopping with my best friend and I watched a very interesting movie
luna octombrie, săptămâna 3( duminică)
sunday I went on vacantion with my parents
luna octombrie, săptămâna 4( luni)
monday I came back on vacantion with my parents and I rested
atat am putut scrie ...